These items are shipped directly from the supplier and can take from 5 to 10 days from the point of order to be delivered to your desired delivery address.
Please Note: At least 1 able bodied person may be required to help with off-loading of the parcel.
Please Note: UK and Ireland shipping only - additional charges may occur but the customer will be contacted before processing.
A low cost alternative to the 533 unit with a rectangular shaped backboard
Ideal lightweight fixed system for schools and leisure centres
Rectangular shaped composite backboard - 160 Backboard
Backboard measures 47' x 35' (120cm x 90cm)
18' (45cm) Steel ring - 261 institutional ring and net
24' (60cm) Extension from wall - 311 bracket
Bolts onto flat vertical surface
Approved by England Basketball and Basketball Scotland
Weighht 25kg
Not supplied with wall mounting bolts
Sure Shot Rectangular Euro Wall Mount Basketball Unit